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Mike Bukach

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Mike’s Next Adventure

About Mike


Hello Friends,

Welcome to Roam About Mike. My name is Mike Bukach, I live in Columbus, Ohio, which is in the midwestern part of the US, but is really only two states away from the Atlantic. So, technically, I live in the middle east.

This website is a culmination of travel stories shaken with bourbon soaked ramblings and awkward life observations. Someday, I hope this will all be made into a Lifetime TV movie where I’m played by Kurt Russell.

Thanks for stopping by,


Materials found within this blog are copyright under Roam About Mike, and are not to be used without permission of the author. If you do steal materials, you shall suffer unmentionable medieval indignities, and a much skinnier wallet.Β 

179 comments on “About Mike

  1. Nathaniel Hahn says:

    Blog looks great Mike! I’m now a loyal follower! Can’t wait to see Sean play you on life time, I wonder if David Fincher will direct…and use his Benjamin Button youthing machine on Sean to get that classic 73′ feel. If you have any pull on the film I would also like to see a cameo where you and Michael Keaton do a little fly fishing in Montana…circa Batman Returns, kinda like River Runs Through It father son moment. Just a thought. Keep up the incredible work!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Nate! Sean has been spotted in the city of Petra again, scouring the landscape for the immortality energy drink that brought him back at the end of Last Crusade.


  2. CBu says:

    As long as your movie consists of majority of David Bowie songs also… it will be a hit soundtrack! This looks awesome bro, love the look of everything and cannot wait to read all that you post. You have so much to share and I know others will be captured by your passion for travel as well as your sense of humor. Great stuff πŸ™‚


  3. Paige says:

    I like Mike.


  4. Carole says:

    Great site Mike! I’m a fan.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Carole!


  5. Lucy says:

    You are hilarious! I found your blog on the WP “fresh pressed” blogs and I just spent over an hour reading through your blog and it felt like ten minutes.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Lucy. I’ll try to have more soon!


    1. mabukach says:

      Very cool. Love the idea! Keep it up.


  6. lauriebest says:

    My daughter seems to run on the same fuel! One doesn’t dare talk to her until the first cup of caffeine. Enjoyed your blog — very funny.We write a daily blog together based on our experience of living together (Boomer and Boomerang) as adults…fun times for all. I think your sense of humor is just dark enough to appreciate us!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks Laurie, as soon as the Freshly Pressed moniker dies down a bit, I’ll do my best to take a look.


  7. sil86as2 says:

    Hi Mike, I have nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger Award (http://foodstoriesblogcom/food-stories-award on the blog You have a great blog.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks so much for the nomination, Sil! Not sure why, just got your comment, for some reason it went to spam, so I had to save it from being erased.
      Thanks again!


  8. Erika says:

    You’re crazy and EXTREMELY funny! Looking forward to reading more craziness :).
    PS: You are the first “blogstar” I follow haha and I’m quite impressed by your witty posts and how you manage to reply to every comment! Actually that’s why I’m following.


    1. mabukach says:

      Why, thank you very much, Erika.
      Very very far from being a blogstar, but that’s very nice of you. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading, hope you stick around


  9. Rob G says:

    Thanks for following Mike…I thought about your description of New Orleans heat last week while sitting on the tarmac at McCarran International in a plane with a malfunctioning A/C…


    1. mabukach says:

      No problem, Rob…liking the goods on your blog. Hahaha, it’s never good when my words ring synonymous with misery.


  10. All 50 states before age 30? I’m jealous…and motivated. Thank you.


    1. mabukach says:

      Excellent (the motivation part). Are you close to knocking them out?


      1. I’ll have to revisit my tally but I think I’m only a third of the way. I have a lot I want to do in the next few years but making this (50 states) happen is certainly possible.


    2. mabukach says:

      Definitely – go for it! I did 18 states in 2 years on consecutive cross-country road trips. If I can do it, you definitely can too.


  11. Sarah says:

    HeyMike! Nice meeting your at randy and amber’s wedding πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey! You too, thanks for stopping by this crazy blog.


  12. juliamarisa9 says:

    You seem exactly like the sort of individual I would like to follow – in a non creepy, but strictly cyber space way. Will be reading about your US travel!


    1. mabukach says:

      Haha follow away, thanks for curbing the creepery. And thanks for reading!


  13. sweetmother says:

    hey mike, any chance you’d like to write for ‘canadica’? there’s a post about it on my blog. been meaning to ask you. all i’d need is your email. and it’s very little work – one post every 6-8 months or so. let me know what you think. and hope all is well. much love, sm


    1. mabukach says:

      Hells yeah! I’m on the road but will email you when I get back tonight


        1. mabukach says:

          I emailed your @mac account.


          1. sweetmother says:

            cool. sent you a bunch of stuff today. sm


  14. susielindau says:

    I found you through Recommended Bloggers. I have to ask, where’s your Colorado category?


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey, Susie!
      So, I absolutely love Colorado – it’s my favorite state by far, I just haven’t written a blog piece on it because I’m shopping a short story for publication. If it doesn’t get picked up soon, I’ll put it up.
      Thanks for stopping by!


      1. susielindau says:

        Excuses, excuses! Hahaha! What a concept. I post all of my adventures. I figure I would want to rewrite them anyway.
        Love your blog!


        1. mabukach says:

          I know, I know…I’ve also held back because I want to spend a week hiking in CO, so, we’ll see.



          1. susielindau says:

            You may have to trade in your hiking boots for a board or skis. You are running out of daylight my new friend. The ski areas will be opening around the 9th of November!

            I’ve recently blogged about a few mountain hikes. This has been the most beautiful autumn. Stop by and take a virtual hike!


            1. mabukach says:

              Skis please. I look like a newborn fawn snowboarding. Heading to your site over now


  15. Purveyor of awesome? Don’t toy with my emotions. *Follow*


    1. mabukach says:

      I humbly try to purvey awesome. And I certainly wont (toy). Thanks so much for the follow!


  16. sjb1994 says:

    I just tagged you in my latest post. I hope it doesn’t offend you. I just really enjoy your blog and wanted to give you some ‘love’. I also hope you play along. I would love to hear what you have to say!


    1. mabukach says:

      Not offended at all – In fact, I owe you a thank you – so, thank you very much for the award!


      1. sjb1994 says:

        You are welcome of course. Maybe one day this lil ol blog will reach your status.
        Take care.


      2. mabukach says:

        Aww you make a grown man blush.


  17. Mike, I just saw that you’re from Columbus! I grew up there and moved to Gahanna before moving to Tennessee.


    1. mabukach says:

      Wow, awesome! Small world. I’ve lived in Clintonville for the last four years, and work downtown near the Arena District.

      What moved you to Tennessee? Do you venture back to C-bus often?


      1. It really is! I was actually in Clintonville last weekend! Went to Gordon Biersh for a friend’s birthday and then Big Bang. I try and come back at least four times a year! It’s a great area, but I prefer the mountain and warmer climate of Tennessee.


      2. mabukach says:

        Ok, that’s pretty weird – we’re walking the same Columbus path!
        I hear the warmer weather – not a fan of Ohio winters at all. And, well, there are obviously no mountains.


  18. Honie Briggs says:

    Hi Mike,
    I just discovered your blog via your comment on my Twelve Days of Le Clown, my original compilation for the clown who has everything. I see you’ve been Freshly Pressed. That is awesome. Interested in writing a guest post for Yeah, it’s a real blog. Check out my post here: and if you’re interested, take a look at the home page for submission info. See ya ’round.


    1. mabukach says:

      Hello Honie Briggs,
      Yes – for some reason WordPress pressed me – freshly.
      Yes – very interested – I’m headed over now barring (and this is a regular occurrence) a miscommunication in my internet power.


      1. Honie Briggs says:

        Cool. Let me know what you think, posts are updated weekly…THANKS


    2. mabukach says:

      Will do. Thanks so much for the recommendation.


  19. chlobeana says:

    Love this! Cannot believe you have been to EVERY state! Could you please have a look at my blog. I’m new to this and any tips and advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Pleaseee


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, Chlobeana!
      Blog looks good. Some advice: change some of the generic WordPress language on your homepage, make it more personal, and just make the blog yours.
      Thanks for stopping by.


  20. The Hook says:

    Thanks for being so cool, Mike!
    It takes some of the burden off me….


    1. mabukach says:

      Hahaha, thanks, Hook.
      I used to be a bellman – birds of a feather.


  21. wakeuptojava says:

    Hey Mike! I see you are a fellow Ohioan! I grew up in Canton and went to school at Kent State. What part of Cleveland did you grow up in? I recently visited a friend out in Lakewood. Fun city! Anyway, your blog is awesome and your accomplishment of 50 states before 30 is even more so! I just started my blog a few days ago so if you check it out and have any tips, I’d be very open to hearing them. Thanks, Mike! -Best, Emily


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Emily,
      Awesome! I used to party at Kent State while I skipped classes at Akron. πŸ™‚

      Grew up in Twinsburg, South Burbs. Lakewood is a great spot.

      Thanks for saying so, will definitely check it out when i get a chance.


  22. shelblynn says:

    Beer soaked ramblings? I’m in.


    1. mabukach says:

      Excellent. Welcome aboard, shelblynn!


  23. Olivia Wolfe says:

    Hello. I have nominated you for the Best Moments Award. I invite you to stop by my blog and see what’s it’s all about. Have a fantastic day πŸ™‚

    ~ Olivia


    1. mabukach says:

      Olivia Wolfe,

      Thank you very much for the award. I will stop by, and same to you.



      1. Olivia Wolfe says:

        You are very welcome :’)


  24. susielindau says:

    The most shocking part of your About page, is the fact that you are over 30! Whoa! πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Striding hard towards 35


      1. susielindau says:

        Well, keep those knees up!


  25. kerilady says:

    Hey, I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. Find more info here ->


    1. mabukach says:

      Awesome! Thanks, kerilady


  26. Jax Mully says:

    I like beer and I like traveling – count me in! Since my son was born 4 months early, we spend all of our time helping him grow (which he is doing!) and *not* traveling…so I will live vicariously through you until the wee little one is big enough for his first road trip! πŸ™‚

    ~Andrea @


    1. mabukach says:

      Welcome, Jax Mully. I’ll do my best to keep things lively. Wow – 4 months early, huh? That’s crazy


  27. Hello! I saw that someone besides myself takes pride in the places they’ve traveled. I am 26, and have visited 27 of the states in the U.S. I, too, and proud of my travels, gained knowledge, and the people I have met and enlightened. Thanks for this blog; this contribution


    1. mabukach says:

      Absolutely – any plans/aspirations to visit all 50 states? thank you for stopping in and commenting, bphillips.


      1. I had promised myself at the beginning that, yes, I would visit the entirety of the United States before venturing overseas to other countries. I, also, do not want to gyp myself of a thorough experience by travelling without knowledge, first. I want to experience the rest of the world when I have a better understanding of it. It’s so vast.


        1. mabukach says:

          Sounds like you have the correct plan. Indeed it is! Thanks, bphillips!


  28. Hmmm, I don’t know if I trust that you’ve been to Missouri. Show Me, as we like to say!


    1. mabukach says:

      Haha, fair enough, donofalltrades. I’ll have to dig around the old vault to pull up some photographic proof.
      But, I’ve been to St. Louis a few times. Roam About Dad lived in Creve Coeur for a year, visited here and there.
      Went to a dance club in East St. Louis, almost got shot (this was in my earlier, more rambunctious days).
      Driven through MO to Lawrence, Kansas, twice – camped at Lake Ozarks. Loved it!

      Where are you in MO?


      1. Lol, well that’s proof enough for me! We’re in STL.


        1. mabukach says:

          Ok good, because I have no idea where my StL pictures are.
          I’m not a huge hockey/NHL fan, but do you think you could let the Blue Jackets win tonight? They play the Blues this fine evening.


  29. M.E. Evans says:

    Dear Roam About Mike, I kind of love your blog so I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. A nice way to give a shout out to other blogs you love.


    1. mabukach says:

      Dearest M.E. Evans,
      Thank you very much for bequeathing this fine award upon my blog. I shall hang it lovingly on my refrigerator.

      In your bio, it says you loved the movie ‘The Last Unicorn’ as a child. Please explain how ‘Fern Gully’ was not your favorite childhood movie.




  30. pixiee601 says:

    To be honest, After looking at your blog, my head was like, ‘Woah. That’s sth new and just mindblowing!’ I really enjoyed every bit of your blogs I’ve read so far! πŸ˜€

    Keep going? because you are moreover, an inspiration for me now! Thanks for that. πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s very nice of you, pixiee.
      An inspiration? Wow. I might use your words to get a raise at work. haha!
      Thanks for reading.


  31. So I am new to this whole blog community and stumbled across your blog and I am now a loyal follower and very entertained by your stories and writing style. Thanks for the laughs and insight.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for the follow, lorenaharper.
      Very much appreciated, and I’ll try to keep the laughs the coming!


  32. Hey Mike,

    I’ve followed your blog a little while now (a whole entire month is a lot, come on) and as a fellow Ohioan, saw that small fact and immediately decided the follow was necessary. Your travels are inspiring as my brother and I both set out from Ohio to travel the states as artists turned backpackers. I appreciate the comedy and look forward to more laughs in my inbox as we continue on the road. Recently got a nomination and wanted to pass it on to you and your blog as well, for the Liebster Award. Take it as a sign of appreciation for your work. Thanks again buddy and look forward to future posts. Hold down the Ohio fort for us while we’re out and be well. The link to the post on my blog is here:

    Take care,


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Alexander,

      Thanks, man. I really, really appreciate your kind words. Hearing from awesome followers like yourself keeps ME inspired, motivated, and serves as a reminder to why I started this whole thing.

      Where in Ohio are you from?

      Good luck to you and your bro on your adventures. I’ll tune in to your blog, keep track of what you’re up to. Let me know if you need some recommendations. While i’m not a pro, I’ve been around this old America; she’s a kind lady.

      Thanks for the liebster award! I’m not worthy!



  33. Hey no problem. Glad to hear it. I’m from Toledo and the surrounding area.

    Thanks for the luck, always comes in handy. Definitely keep an eye on our location. We’re out in Denver at the moment waiting out the week to do some camping in UT, then hoping to obtain a camper or larger vehicle of some sort to roll around and camp in, instead of the hitching we’ve been doing. Any choice spots in Oregon? We’re talking of going up there next.

    Talk with you soon buddy.



    1. mabukach says:

      Cool. My brother-in-law is from Toledo, and my lady is from Port Clinton, so I know the area a bit.

      Excellent. I assume you’ve been to Boulder (my favorite city in the US)?

      Man, you’re going to love Oregon. Whether you’re hitching or not, try to make it to the 101, ride up the coast and find Hug Point State Park. THe ride is awesome, and Hug Point is a great spot to just hang out/explore the nature.

      Aside from that, Portland’s great, Mt. Hood is a great, the wine is great, and if you want to do some hiking, Silver Falls State Park (near Salem) was my favorite.


  34. Oh excellent. Both great towns. I don’t know Port Clinton too well aside from going up there to take the Jet Express ferry over to Put-In-Bay island. A wild and unique place where older crowds go to let loose like it’s the late sixties all over again.

    Boulder is an excellent town. Yeah I’ve been out there a couple of times. Very good day hikes. I want to get some climbing shoes and go bouldering out there. Why’s it your favorite?

    Yeah I can’t wait for Oregon because we have heard so many good things. I’m going to note those parks, and will make a point to hit the coast no matter what out there. Know anything about Bend?

    Talk soon and thanks,



    1. mabukach says:

      Haha That’s the best description of Put-In-Bay I’ve ever read.
      Port Clinton is kind of empty, but still has a small, water-town charm without the ubiquitous Starbucks.

      Awesome – not sure why, just feel connected to the town. Was actually looking to go to grad school there before I bought a house in Cbus. Loved the blending of the nature.

      DIdn’t make it that far south in Oregon, but it’s very close to Crater Lake, which is another spot on my domestic top 10. When are heading farther West?


  35. Ha thanks man. It’s definitely a different place. Ah definitely a true story with Port Clinton. And about Boulder, the blending of nature is the best way to describe how I feel about it too. The setting is really what does it for me there. Not so much the people who stroll the town with noses in the air and reek of too much money. Great spot for school though, my buddy I’m staying with in Denver now is startin gup grad school there in the fall. So I’ll definitely be back there soon.

    I’ll make a note of the Crater Lake. Heard good things about it. We’ll hopefully be heading west soon. Doing some camping in Utah this coming week then hopefully my brother and I have enough money to try and make it back towards the west. Keep an eye on the new photography and writings though to see where we are at.

    Talk soon.


  36. Look at all your love! Keep up the fantastic blog, I’m glad I happend upon you. You were listed as a recommended blog based on others that I follow.
    I’ll have to look you over more, by that I mean read over your blog, when I get a few minutes.


    1. mabukach says:

      So, somehow I completely missed this one. Dropped the ball, Jennifer. Thanks, hopefully you didn’t give up on the blog because I’m apparently I’m a complete jerk.


      1. Oh yes a long time ago but maybe now I will give it a peek again πŸ˜‰
        It happens, I completely understand. I do the same.


        1. mabukach says:

          Yay! Glad to hear. There’s a lot of insanity ’round here…

          Thanks, Jennifer!


  37. Hi Mike! Would you be willing to participate in something we are doing on Susie Lindau’s behalf. Her surgery is on Friday and I am contacting her followers. On Friday morning we are trying to get as many people as we can to post on their blogs a post titled, “Susie Strong”. The content of the post would just be a simple message like, “We are thinking of you”. It would be great if she opened up her email and found all our blogs with the same message. Her husband is going to be updating us after the surgery. Are you in? Let me know! Thanks!


    1. mabukach says:

      Absolutely – I’ll whip something up for the morning.
      Thanks, brickhousechick


      1. Great! It will be nice for her to see all the posts with the words, *Susie Strong* πŸ™‚


  38. attireclub says:

    Hy Mike,

    It’s great to meet you!



    1. mabukach says:

      You too, attire club


  39. YOGiNi says:

    Wow! I love travelling too…and I hope one day I can say “I have seen the world”

    Great blog Mike πŸ™‚ dint read through every tab though, will surely visit soon.



    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Yogini!


  40. Elizabeth says:

    Hi, love your blog – you are doing what I wish I was doing. Will be living vicariously through you. πŸ™‚ Have you been to Istanbul? Will be going there end of July – any advise?


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Elizabeth – thanks so much. I have not been to Istanbul…yet. Definitely in my top 5, though. How long are you going?


      1. Elizabeth says:

        I’ll be there July 23-31. Not much time but it’s all I can afford (both in $ and vacation time)


  41. Reagan K Reynolds says:

    Hey Mike,
    I’m 26 and I’ve only been to 9 states, but I want to visit every state before I’m 30. My husband and I are living on a dime! Do you have any suggestions for cheap travel?



    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Reagan,
      9 states is a good start. Just curious, where do you two live?
      Let’s see – best way to get all states in four years… pre-planning is key. I planned a 12 state road trip about a year ahead, kept tweaking the trip, making sure to fit everything in logistically. I’ve definitely skimped out on some states. Like Idaho, didn’t really get to fully appreciate all it has to offer, but, had to do it to get all 50.

      And, best advise I can give: just go for it. It’ll be worth it.

      Thanks for reading.



      1. Reagan K Reynolds says:

        Thanks Mike! That is wonderful advice. We are in North Carolina, although we moved from Texas.. which accounts for the majority of our 9-State venture. Look forward to reading more,



        1. mabukach says:

          Excellent – I think it’s easier to do all 50 states if you’re on the East Coast, but, that’s just my crazy logistical brain.
          Love North Carolina, though. Used to drive from Ohio down to Atlantic Beach every summer when I was a kid.
          Looking to visit Asheville sometime this year.


          1. Reagan K Reynolds says:

            Asheville is one of our favorite romantic get-aways. If you have never been there before, the food is absolutely amazing. I don’t think you can have a bad meal there. We love the music-drenched street corners and how open and friendly the artists are (and generally everybody). The Biltmore is wonderful in any season. I have been during three seasons (summer, winter, and fall) and winter is my favorite because they literally go ALL out for the Christmas holiday.

            Also, If you have not read John Steinbeck’s book, Travels with Charlie, you most definitely should pick it up. It is a short, easy read (nothing like The Grapes of Wrath) about how he converted his truck into a mobile home-ish thing and took his dog on a road trip through the United States. He felt that as an American writer it was not enough for him to know the changes of our country “only from books and newspapers.” He felt he was writing “of something [he] did not know about,” and so he planned this road trip with his poodle, Charlie. It is absolutely one of my favorite books about travel. Although I had a hard time reading the full length of The Grapes of Wrath, I flew through Travels with Charlie. Steinbeck’s chapter about the California Red Woods is absolutely inspiring.

            Enjoy Asheville!


            1. Reagan K Reynolds says:

              I’m sorry, it’s Travels with Charley. I always want to spell it with an -ie, but it’s Charley.


            2. mabukach says:

              Amazing info, Reagan. Thanks so much. It’s kind of odd I’ve never been to Asheville, driving around it a couple times, and have a handful of friends who live there, but after reading this, I’m super motivated to go.

              I’ll have to pick up that Steinbeck book as well. Been reading too much russian lit – have to change it up before I get all morose towards life. πŸ™‚


  42. acuriousgal says:

    Of course you’re a Senior Writer, but for a Health Tech firm??? How do your weave your marvelous sense of humor into that?!!! So enjoy your work!!!


    1. mabukach says:

      I know, it’s weird.
      I have a pretty long tether when it comes to PR stuff, but aside that, I play it like Batman.
      Thanks, acuriousgal!


  43. lanarichmond says:

    Great blog, Mike! I stumbled upon your site through Recommended Blogs: Staff Picks and I am glad I did! Looking forward to exploring your blog further πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks very much, Ianarichmond!
      Glad to have you on board.


  44. MissPuppyDoc says:

    I’m so jealous. I wish I were you. May I borrow your identity?


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, MissPuppyDoc.
      You may steal it – unless you intend on draining my measly bank account, then I’m going to need that identity back. πŸ™‚


      1. MissPuppyDoc says:

        Nah, I wouldn’t do that. But I do want your life. I’ll even take your facial hair. It’s nice facial hair.


        1. mabukach says:

          Haha – you can totally have both. Especially the facial hair


          1. PuppyDoc says:

            Thank you; I will enjoy your beard very much. If you want we can trade. You can be called PuppyMike. My hair is mainly on my head but it’s still comparable.


            1. mabukach says:

              Roam About Doc is way cooler than PuppyMike. πŸ™‚


              1. PuppyDoc says:

                That’s true. But PuppyMike is more cuddly. I’m envisioning a fluffy version of you…


  45. fluxforum says:

    Excellent blog! More of us definitely need to live life as fully as you do.

    Flux: Encountering Adulthood


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for stopping in, fluxforum!


  46. HRH says:


    Did you receive a (much too long) comment I wrote in response to your “Orlando, FL is a Butthole” post? I’m unsure what’s happened, but I think there may be some technical issues with this latest app update of WordPress. (It could also be my rather shabby brain thinking I posted it when, in reality, it’s sitting in drafts.)

    Much gratitude,


  47. mjcolbert says:

    Hey Mike,

    Your blog is hilarious and I’ve enjoyed reading your writing. I noticed that you’ve been nominated before, but I just want to let you know that I also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.




    1. mabukach says:

      I just saw this, MJ. Apologies for the delayed response, and thanks very much for the award!



  48. Good blog you’ve got here.. It’s difficult to find excellent writing like
    yours these days. I truly appreciate people like you!

    Take care!!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for your kind words!


  49. Hi, there!

    I’m Jane and am an avid reader and blogger, a passion which I think we share. I’ve been writing contents on the web professionally since 2010. I share my experience through articles on Travel, Culture, History, Lifestyle and many more.

    Your blog β€œ” is probably one of the most interesting ones I’ve seen recently and with due reason. I was wondering if I could do a guest post for your blog.

    I would like to write on β€œAustralia Rich in Culture and Natural beauty” or any other suggested topic for your blog.

    It would be an honor to see my article published on your site.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Jane Roberts.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for your kind words and interest in writing for RAM, Jane.
      Do you have some sample posts I can read?



  50. What’s up, just wanted to mention, I enjoyed this blog post.

    It was inspiring. Keep on posting!


  51. ywwp says:

    very nice blog on travel – very interesting facts coming out of different places –


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for stopping in, ywwp!


  52. rastafari369 says:

    Hi, saw your blog on the recommended list by WordPress and I love it. I don’t see that you’ve been to the Philippines though so just sending you a little note in case it comes up in your bucket list for 2015. Here are my blogs for your reference – &

    Thanks and happy travels! πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey, Rastafari.
      Thanks for the love. Unfortunately, Philippines isn’t on my list – should I add it? Where should I go?

      Will check out your blogs, thanks for stopping in!



      1. rastafari369 says:

        Oh definitely, the Philippines should be part of your list. The love you feel in our country is more than enough but ofcourse all our beautiful sights are an added bonus as well! There are lots of places to visit here but I would recommend my home city Cebu City! Lots to see and experience here! πŸ˜‰


        1. mabukach says:

          I will definitely add to my list, Rastafari. I’ve honestly never really given the Philippines a second look, now I’m looking!

          Gotta do some research on Cebu City! πŸ™‚


          1. rastafari369 says:

            Good move! See you soon in Cebu! πŸ™‚ By the way, need I mention you’ll also get more bang for your buck here? Add that to the reasons for visiting! πŸ™‚


            1. mabukach says:

              Indeed – see you soon (hopefully).
              Good – I’m on a strict travel budget these days.


  53. Migrant Pen says:

    I am privileged to have connected with you. My wordpress blog Tales of a Migrant is new so I have to dig and it’s refreshing to know that yours is inspiring. Keep up the good work. Take care.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for stopping in, Migrant Pen. And thanks for the recommend.



  54. I love the fun style and midwestern humor Mike! As a current Dayton resident, I appreciate many of your stories and have enjoyed checking out the travel photos especially. Drop by anytime. Cheers!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, Michael.
      We’re practically neighbors.
      I’ve never been to downtown Dayton, but I’ve heard the Air Force Museum is awesome.
      Visited Yellow Springs, definitely a cool town.

      Thanks for reading,


      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are right about Yellow Springs-a small hip town where you feel like you might be in Colorado plus you might run into Dave Chappelle! The Air Force Museum is pretty amazing if you enjoy anything to do with air and space travel and all for free. Cheers Mike…


        1. mabukach says:

          I heard Mr. Chappelle lives there – very cool.
          Will have to check out the AFM soon. Thanks, Michael.


  55. nateburbury says:

    As a former Buckeye, now living in California, I thoroughly look forward to reading your stories and learning from your experiences!


    1. mabukach says:

      Looking outside at the perpetual cold gray soup that is Ohio winter, you made the right move, Mr. Nate. Thanks for reading and thanks for following!


  56. merveceliker says:

    The lighter side of this site is to not include the ordinary stories about places. It is reflecting the streets and steps. That’s why I enjoy, when I read. Hope to see more posts


  57. ryanmgruss says:

    Gotta say, this blog is definitely worth the follow – great job Mike, loving all the beautiful photography and stories! πŸ™‚

    Apart from my blog, I’ve got a project called Showzee ( that might definitely interest you, take a look and if you fancy it, request an invite and I’ll fast track you!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Ryan. I very much appreciate the compliments.

      Sounds interesting – will request an invite soon.

      Thanks for reading!



  58. Hey Mike, your blog is everything that I love reading about travel, new, unreachable places and their stories. Nice to know you are a former New Yorker! A die-hard fan of Sex And The City I am πŸ™‚ …I so wish to visit NY one day. Its amazing how much you’ve traveled and written. Wanna read a lot of it and see all those places through your stories and pics… Lastly, I love the name of your cat, Thief Richards πŸ™‚ …
    Thanks, Natasha


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey bitesandplaces – thanks so much for the love, I really appreciate it.

      Ha! Most people don’t like the name of my cat, but I’m very glad you do. Thanks for reading!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pleasure… I have an Oscar fish named Richard Parker. The other two are Leo and Tyson πŸ™‚


        1. mabukach says:

          Leo DiCaprio?


          1. Haha Just Leo πŸ™‚


  59. msuworld says:

    Great blog mike ..


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks for reading, msuworld!

      Liked by 1 person

  60. The Traveloholic says:

    Great Blog Sir. Good themes and content. Inviting your comments on my blog.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks very much, Traveloholic. Thanks for stopping in!

      Liked by 1 person

  61. Hi Mike.

    I, like so many others, found your blog reccommended by WordPress. (Thank you WordPress).
    I love what I have read so far. I love the humor, wit and real experiences in your writing. It is very refreshing! That is the type of tone that I write in, and let’s be honest, how I talk in day to day conversations. I so appreciate reading other bloggers that write like this!
    I can’t wait to read more of your blog, it is amazing so far! I’ve got a case of wanderlust myself and have found inspiration reading your travel pieces!




    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks very much, Act Like. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and your kind wordsβ€”keeps me writing. Feel free to stick around for a bit; got some good stuff coming out soon.

      Thanks again,


      Liked by 1 person

  62. hallo minke. nice blog in my opinion.
    oia, may i introduce my self? my name is small habibie. I’m from Surabaya Indonesia πŸ™‚
    Nice to meet you


    1. mabukach says:

      Hello, hello, small habibie. Nice to virtually meet you as well. You are close to Bali, yes?


      1. yes, i close with Bali. just 1 hour to Bali Sir. Its a beautiful island. very beautiful. did yoi go there?


        1. mabukach says:

          Not yet, but I be in Bali for my honeymoon next year. Very much looking forward to it – will check out your blog, soon!


  63. Emily says:

    Heya! I just found your blog through WordPress’ reccommendation. I’m going globetrotting soon and I’m loving reading about all your adventures!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Emily. Hopefully my terrible response time hasn’t affected your world travels. πŸ™‚


  64. ryanmgruss says:

    Loving your blog, great photos and full of inspirations! Will definitely keep up to date with your travels and feel free to check out my startup – i think you’d really like it – we focus on sharing journeys, adventures & experiences πŸ™‚


  65. louisecindra says:

    Loved your blog!! Very nice pictures πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks very much, Louise!


  66. S H A N says:

    Such a wonderful blog Mike! I’m sure you get this a lot πŸ™‚
    I just started a travel / lifestyle blog of my own and it would be so awesome if you would go over and check it out and perhaps we can keep in touch! Who knows, maybe our adventures will cross paths one day πŸ™‚ Hope to hear from you!


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey, Shan – thanks so much for reading! Your blog is looking good – awesome photography!


  67. Miriam B says:

    Hi Mike, from a blogger down under. Loving your blog, your travels, photography and style of writing. Keep adventuring!


    1. mabukach says:

      Greetings from the States! How’s down under? You’re too kind – thanks for reading!


  68. Hey Ass Hole says:

    I just stumbled across your blog. I am a fan now. I also want to plug my own to you and whomever reads this. I know I am biased but it is good. It is found at I write about my fucked up adventures drinking at craft brew places in the Midwest.


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