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Mike Bukach

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Mike’s Next Adventure

Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy: A Braggadocious Friday

What is this? You’ll just have to keep reading….

Word of the Day: Braggadocious

Good News: I got published!

If you’re out and about, and you see a slick booklet of short stories called Ghost Town Issue 3, please buy it. It contains a piece I’ve tweaked since college about some crazy times had in Seward, Alaska. The incessant tweaking paid off – got my first publishing – now what?

This is what:

Pimpin’ Aint Easy

I’m about to get a little mushy here…

When I started this blog a few months back, I never imagined it would amount to much of anything – it was literally a means to get over a crippling fear of having strangers read my words. Bottom line.

Since that first anxiety-riddled day I pressed ‘publish’, I’ve had over 20,000 visitors from 130 some countries, and somehow tricked a few hundred people into following this thing. The experience (so far, it can still crash and burn) has been an alleviation, a therapy, an ultimate confidence boost, enabling me to get down to the nitty-gritty of my life passion; writing.

I’ve been crazy busy in career/life recently, and haven’t been able to properly thank everyone, and spend the time perusing the blogs of new faces around here. I promise, I want to/and will read all your blogs – and as the regulars here know, I will respond to every single comment, even if I’m horribly wine drunk and you don’t want me to. I will.

So, I wanted to pimp some pages, reciprocate the love/inspirado given to me. Please, go to these sites below Terrence Howard. They’re a mish-mash of comedy, travel, and goodness.


Sweet Mother – Moms was the first person I followed in the blogosphere. Always hilarious; she writes so much good stuff it makes me feel like a stripped down Ben Folds to her Liberace of funny.

Brigitte’s Banter – One of my first followers, always amazing, always responding, and does some very funny, motivational postings. She was freshly pressed a month or so ago, well deserved.

Where’s My Toothbrush – Great travel blog – funny, informative, and she likens some travel in India to Wes Anderson movies – you win, Toothbrush.

Imonthebandwagon – Jowitt doesn’t post much, but when he (or she, but most likely he) does; it’s comic gold. Follows/transcribes conversations of a famous British Band. But it’s not the Beatles, or Supergrass, or Radiohead…..hmm.

Someone Fat Happened – Maggie O’C is a newer friend. Refreshingly honest, amazing blogger. Funny as hell.

No I will Not Carry That Rock – Also a new friend – Alisa G – badass, Coloradoan, hiker, teaching her child the same badassitude.

The Adventures of Dr. – If I could be serious for five seconds, this is how I would want my site to look – beautiful photography, great storytelling; his recent post on Cuba was inspiring.

Free Penny – Slick looking site, Free Penny always has thought-provoking work. Need to spend more time over there, you should too.


My Friend, Mark

Last but not even close to least, that picture at the opening. What the hell is that? Some guy? Well, that’s my friend Mark Pagan. The very talented writer/director/improv-comedian.

To preface, 2012 was dubbed the ‘year of doing’, or YOD, in the Roam About homestead but the other day I was feeling a bit unmotivated, not knowing what to write, whilst smacking my head against the table intermittently staring at the picture below.

Blank Slate. Tabula Rasa

Since we last crossed paths over a year ago at Sundance (future post),  Mark been continually posting videos on YouTube where he chooses a song, goes to a public place, and dances to said song. Most intriguing of these videos is not necessarily Mark’s dancing style, but people’s reactions or lack there of to some dude gettin’ down.

One particular video he posted has stuck with me; I’ve watched the damn thing near thirty times. It’s fun, innocent, simply…perfect. I’m not going to tell you about it, I’ll just let you watch it, but the video made me realize the only person stopping me from being creative, constantly traveling, dancing down a grocery store aisle, is me.

The ‘not at this time’, the rejection letters, the ‘no-response’, they absolutely mess with the ego, ruin the day, but they can’t stop you or me or anyone from getting up and  f*cking trying, and doing what we love.

Sometimes it takes inspiration from a friend to remind of this, like the video below. Sometimes, you just gotta groove. Thanks, Mark.  -Mike

Stayed tuned for some Roam About/Con Chocolate video collaborations. Coming very soon.

28 comments on “Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy: A Braggadocious Friday

  1. congrats on getting published – it is a wonderful thing
    checked out some of the blogs you recommended – thank you for your generosity


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you thank you! They are excellent sites, by some very talented bloggers.


  2. christine says:

    Awesome post. Congrats on the piece. And thanks for sharing the video–amazing! You are absolutely right about all of it. We just have to tap into that primal something and focus on what we love. It’s not easy but damn, it’s joyful.


    1. mabukach says:

      Why thank you, christine.
      You’re right, we may crash and burn but it sure is fun…:)


  3. Maggie O'C says:

    Congratulations! Thank you for the shout out. I want to go dancing with Mark. And the little boy wanted to dance, or he showed that he wanted to dance. I bet some of the adults did too but didn’t feel they could show it. Hmmm… I dance in public but usually to embarrass my children.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks! No problem.
      I’ll let Mark know he has some dance suitors…the little boy TOTALLY wanted to.
      haha! your kids will appreciate it someday.


  4. Brigitte says:

    YAYYYYY!!!!! Mike, that is so wonderful. You so, so deserve being published!!! I am going to look for this book and read your story. I’m so happy for you. I think of you of one of those very talented bloggers and I so appreciate your including me in your list — it warms my heart. Thank you.

    Loved the video. Isn’t it weird how most ignored him but the kid, he could’t help himself from groovin’ either. It’s keeping that kind of attitude that you expressed so beautifully: “the only person stopping me from being creative, constantly traveling, dancing down a grocery store aisle, is me.” You got that right, bro.

    Here’s to many more published works and again, thanks for the shout-out friend.


    1. mabukach says:

      Awesome! Thanks, Brigitte!
      And absolutely no problem, glad I could finally reciprocate. 🙂


  5. CBu says:

    Such amazing news bro! You completely deserve it and will be hunting down that book to buy 🙂 And for Mark, I about pee-d myself watching it here at work. Funny man…will never forget that amazing visit and POMA.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Dude. Ooh the POMA….


  6. Rob G says:

    Huge congrats on getting published!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Rob!


  7. Katie Glenn says:

    Congratulations! And thanks for the gift of blogs…found some good follows on the list. 🙂


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks so much, Katie Glenn! Glad you liked my ever-growing reading list.


  8. Change My Body...Change My Life says:



    1. mabukach says:

      Muchos Gracias!


  9. enkimoz09 says:

    Congratulations and thanks from a new follower and fellow-striver in the world of words. I will check out the other blogs you mentioned and continue to follow yours. Keep on doin’ in 2012 and beyond!

    P.S. LOVED the video!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you Enkimoz! And thanks so much for reading.
      Glad you liked the vid. Gotta tell Mark he has a following.


  10. free penny press says:

    I clearly remember the first time I had some poems published in a “real” magazine.. Your friend Mike? Well jack it up 5 degrees I was dancing a jig all over the office.. So for you, High five and groove on Mr Published writer,,
    Great new blogs for me to add to my list and thank you so kindly for the shout out . My blog is weak compared to so many other fines ones here @ WP..
    Sundance, you? Can I have your autograph…:-)


    1. mabukach says:

      Hahaha, that’s awesome. I too felt the dance vibe, unfortunately I look like a newborn fawn floundering around…
      High five indeed! Now what?

      Mark was at Sundance promoting his film, I was there visiting my little sister. He’s the autograph you want…


  11. lovehaunt says:

    I love getting referrals to other good stuff, thanks for sharing! And congrats on the publication, woot, woot!


    1. mabukach says:

      No problemo, and Thanks! Woot, indeed!


  12. AlisaG says:

    woot woot! being published must be very satisfying. and thanks for the shout-out – i wouldn’t be more honored if Snoop Dog himself pimped my blog.


    1. mabukach says:

      hahaha – fo shizzle alizzle.


  13. Awesomeness! Congratulations!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks so much Bright Light!


  14. adrianqiana says:

    Way to go, Bukach!
    Does this mean you’re going to move out of my basement


    1. mabukach says:

      Yes…but before I go, can you bring down some tp?


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