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Mike Bukach

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Mike’s Next Adventure

2,000 Followers!? (Holy Shit and Thank You)


Han Solo?

There are over 2,000 of you.

If I were in a band, and 2,000 of you came to the show, that would be a kick-ass concert, with a mosh pit and beach balls and marijua…beer, just beer, you stoners.

Really, if I had to address 2,000 people from the stage, I’d probably hyperventilate, pass out, and break my face on a ledge. But I can’t think of it that way…


So, what does 2,000 followers mean?

Monetarilyβ€”right nowβ€”nothing, but that’s not the point of this blog.

Personally, it means everything, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the followers/everyone that regularly comment on my insanity. And Thank You to WordPress for not only Freshly Pressing me last year, but having Roam About on the ‘Staff’s Picks’ rotation. Incredibly humbling considering all the amazing blogs out there. Thank you thank you. I know you’re watching.

I whim write – craziness in text – if you’ve come here looking for a way to establish more followers, my advice is to just write how you speak in your mind brain. The positive response to doing this has given me the kick-in-the-ass needed to become a successful writer/blogger/traveler.

Unfortunately, there are some followers who don’t comment much, and some WordPressers who just hoard blogs and never visit/comment at all; the opposite of what the whole blogging community is aboutΒ (then there are those slimy few who ONLY comment on Freshly Pressed blogs for attention; I call them Proachers).

Perhaps people are afraid to visit more often because I’m like the crazy cousin in the corner of the blogging family room drinking Genesee pull tabs through a thick mustache. Maybe I’m just awkward; unapproachable.


1983 just called and reconfirmed my reservation at the Awesomeville Tavern

No way, couldn’t be that.

To break the ice, I’m going to tell you 5 things about me so you may feel more comfortable asking for a hypothetical ride home…and visiting Roam About more.

1.My User name, mabukach, doesn’t read Ma Bukach;Β it’s M.A. My middle name is Awesome.

2. My girlfriend’s name is Marti, she’s 3 1/2 feet tall, has green eyes, and aside from her lack of verticalness, is a keeper. She’s a constant inspiration to me and my writings. It was her birthday yesterday, so as a present, I’m Β buying her (us) a house here in Columbus. New R.A.M. HQ! DIY home repair posts in the future?



3. We have a cat named Thief who I found fleeing the Chinese Restaurant behind our apartment. He likes beer, processed turkey, and is addicted to adhesives.


4a. I’m the Senior Writer for an amazing Health/Tech company in downtown Columbus, and I dabble in freelancing.

4b. I’m also one for one in publishing short stories in the creative non-fiction genre. I found out this weekend my story wasΒ posted online by the publishers, Ghost Town. If you have 15 minutes to waste, here it is in full:

5. I have a quarter-sized birthmark on my left butt cheek. Roam About Mom says it’s where god left his mark when I was born. Being that it looks like a burn, along with my propensity for mischief, I’d say it was the devil.

Do you want an autographed photo of me for your ceiling, bathroom mirrors, or car visor?

I’m sorry I’m poor now (I’m buying a house people), and can’t offer THAT nice of a give-away this time, but I do Β have a bunch of old comp cards from my acting/modeling days and I will send you a pic – doused in cologne – with a letter declaring my love for you. I’m serious. Seriously serious. Then, if you send a pic of yourself holding a pic of me, I’ll make a funny blog post out of it. Either way, leave a comment below.

Thank you all, again. Good things are heading down the pipe for ’13, I can feel in my bone(r)s. – 12-year-old Mike

93 comments on “2,000 Followers!? (Holy Shit and Thank You)

  1. Laura Hilger says:

    You’re so hilarious-love your stuff!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, Laura! *curtsey*.


  2. Ben says:

    Congrats on the house, Mike!!! Though I’m bummed Roam about Cat exists. In some crazy Zukunft when I actually visit, I will have to hold my breath a long time. It’s cool. I swim and stuff..


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Ben! He’s cool. I’m allergic to cats and he doesn’t bother me all that much.
      I will quarantine a room for you when you visit.


  3. susielindau says:

    Congratulations Mike! 2000 is a milestone for sure! I am going through the same thing with trying to get followers to stop by more often. I think some follow to get the follow back like tag and then just run away! What’s up with that????
    So I’m expecting a photo in the mail, only make it your good side. I will take your word for it that you have a birth mark on your butt cheek.


    1. susielindau says:

      I forgot to include, you know that you are a WordPress Recommended Blogger too, right?


      1. mabukach says:

        Yaaaaaaay. Thanks, Susie!
        Yeah, there’s been a major influx of ‘like ‘n’ runs’ on WordPress. Shady stuff. Don’t have time for it.
        You got it – one photo sans buttcheek.

        I did! I mentioned it above but think I called it the wrong thing. WordPress people are awesome.


  4. Nathaniel Hahn says:

    Hahah…I want an autographed picture! And I love Darth Vaders skeleton in the background of that awesome kitty jacket picture. You should hook Thief up with Charlie from Sunny… get him some kitten slippers and they can huff glue together! Congrats on 2K! Keep up the stellar work!


    1. mabukach says:

      You got it, dude. One autograph from Roam About trade for a CP auto.
      I would get one mitten on before suffering multiple facial lacerations.
      Thanks man. Collaboration soon?


  5. Layne Redman says:

    Congrats Mike!! I always look forward to your posts, they always bring a smile to my face! Keep up the good work!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Layne. That means a lot. And thanks for reading.


  6. martibabcock says:

    I am not surprised one bit that you have 2,000 followers. Cheers, babe!


    1. mabukach says:

      Can I autograph your boobies?


  7. Paige Harris says:

    I have known you for years and you have never once promised me a cologne doused comp card…WTF… you even have 2000 comp cards left???…. was that the ridiculously heavy box I carried down 4 flights of stairs to a u-haul…. God I miss you and what I really want is a framed autographed pic of you at the Awesomeville Tavern…cause YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!


    1. mabukach says:

      What? I haven’t? Shame on me.
      That box was all comp cards, and my lead coin collection.
      Thanks, Paige. I miss you dearly. Roam About Virginia….soon. Weekend trip.


  8. Laura says:

    Hilarious! You are one of my favorite bloggers — and congrats on hitting the 2,000 mark! I can only dream… I would love a cologne-soaked picture of you! Either a head shot/comp, or a print of you up there in the powder blue kitty power jacket. Ha! Thanks for keepin’ it real, crazylegs.


    1. mabukach says:

      Awww thanks, laura. I got really lucky with the WordPress peeps, without them, I would have 20 followers.
      You got it, i’ll email you!
      Legs of fury! or furry.


  9. jan bukach says:

    Hey my son! Very, very funny, as always. I definitely can confirm you have a birth mark on your butt. haha Umm, you didn’t go out in public in that kitty jacket and shorts, did you?


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Roam About Ma.
      Devil’s mark.
      I did. I went roller skating with Marti. True story. People avoided me…why?


  10. mrsdeboots says:

    Funny as always, love the ADD style (easy for me to follow) always lurve the photos!

    That cat really should thank it’s lucky stars you saved it… Cause you know..hanging out behind certain establishments may mean..main course material.


    1. mabukach says:

      What ADD style? Kidding…

      Yeah, he was a day away from being a moo shoo pork special at the sketchy place behind us. I remind him daily, but he seems to forget easily. Bastard cat.

      Thanks, mrsdeboots!


  11. SocietyRed says:

    I forget how we met but I remember liking you right away. Your writing style, the things you write about, your curiosity and drive. I just read your short story “Seward” in Ghost Town and now I feel similar to a guy that had been jamming with Clapton or Carlos but didn’t recognize who they were until after the fact. Love the post too, and your description of those Proachers (there’s one that leaves their link with the second comment every time).
    Anyway, I glad to be one the 2,000 in the mosh pit.
    You’re an inspiration brother!


    1. mabukach says:

      Feeling’s mutual, Red. Really dig your stuff. Always entertaining.
      Hahaha – definitely Clapton, but Clapton circa Cream, not the new stuff. appreciate your kind words on Seward. Worked on that bastard for months. If only i had time to write all the time….

      Proachers, man. They are shameless, and I’m willing to bet half of them skim the first line, then write about it.

      Thank you, Friend!


  12. sweetmother says:

    okay, mike, 2000 followers is feckin’ amazing. i have a hard time breaking 1000. b) I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE BUYING A FECKIN’ HOUSE. another thing i’m fighting to do. and c) i loved reading these little tidbits about you. awesome. RAMEN IN MARCH, which is the battle cry of a very select few. πŸ˜‰ looooollll. xoxo and congrats! sm


    1. mabukach says:


      It’s really humbling and scary, but i think half the people who follow me are from Cyprus, trying to hack my blog.

      The house thing is next level stress kind of shit. Add in a Short Sale on top of it, and it’s a psychological game of stress chess.

      I always enjoy reading your stuff – thoughtful, funny, more funny.
      ABSOLUTELY Ramen in March!!! We’ll eat it til our fingers swell.

      Thank you, Sweet Moms πŸ™‚


      1. sweetmother says:

        cyprus…bwwaaaaahhhhhha and you’re so on in march! xoxo


      2. wanda4848 says:

        Mike are all your followers from WordPress? Or are they unknown people?


      3. mabukach says:

        I’d say 95% are wordpressers. The rest are people I know or stray folk.


  13. kilaheem says:

    “My advice is to just write how you speak in your mind brain”. That’s what gets me into trouble! But I won’t stop, EVER! Even if there’s a fire.


    1. mabukach says:

      Hahaha! Don’t ever stop! Writing from a fire does make the edges all charred; a more authentic look.
      Thanks, kilaheem


  14. free penny press says:

    Wow.. 2 g’s. 2 grand. you the man Mike.. Seriously, you write some funny as hell stuff and it’s always a pleasure to drop in at your crib.. Oh, and congrats on the new crib..
    happy 2013!!


    1. mabukach says:

      If I had a dollar for every follower….
      Thanks, Penny. I know it’s been a while, but how’s your new Crib/acclimation going?


  15. Erika says:

    2000 well-deserved followers. Your craziness couldn’t go unnoticed, un-freshlypressed, un-staffpicked even if it wanted to. Thanks for the laughs. And congrats on the house!!


    1. mabukach says:

      Aww shucks, Erika.
      That means a lot, thank you so much.


  16. Maggie O'C says:

    Nice ass in those jorts! Post the modeling pics again and I will print one. Just to keep on my desk at work.


    1. mabukach says:

      See, I grow mustache and everyone STILL looks at my jort booty. πŸ™‚

      Sounds like a plan. Stay tuned….


      1. Maggie O'C says:

        And um, congratulations! You are much deserving and a great writer. I forgot to say how you are one of my favorite humor writers ever, EVER all because I was so taken with your jortooty.


      2. mabukach says:

        Thanks, Maggie. Coincidentally, I get all my writing powers from the short-shorts. The air-flow stimulates the…brain.


  17. You crack me up. Congrats on reaching 2000 – hope some day to reach that level also. I’m at 8 now so should be there in a matter of days. But for now I’ll just be happy to be one of your great unwashed 2k.


    1. mabukach says:

      You’ll get there, man. I had like 5 followers for a month, and they were all related to me. No doubt, you’ll be there in days.
      Thanks, battle. most of the roamers are unwashed.


      1. wanda4848 says:

        Haha, they were related to you? That’s what I got now, 5 followers, that’s it. But I know I’ll get more in time, lol


      2. mabukach says:

        Basically, yeah. My first outsider follower was gedlondon.


  18. denmother says:

    I like 12-year-old Mike’s enthusiasm;-) Way to go, big Mike. But not big Mike with the big cat on his weird-ass jacket.


    1. mabukach says:

      Haha! I’m a twelve year old 32 year old.

      What!! That jacket is amazing. It even reads: “Sexy, Soft, and Sophisticated”. Give it a chance, denmoms!


      1. denmother says:

        Bring that sexy, soft and sophisticated jacket to our V-Day Like-In tomorrow. Live and learn, Mike.


      2. mabukach says:

        Fine, I’ll give up the jacket. But I’m keeping the jorts.


  19. Yeah man keep up the good work! You got funny stuff -,o


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you for the awesome comment, future. much appreciated!


  20. m4ttruck says:

    I kinda am guilty for being those “proachers” but i love writing and reading what you write! Congratulations!


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey, as long as you actually read what is freshly pressed, it’s all good. I see some bloggers who just skim content, comment on the one line they read, then run. People do it on this site and it just seems a bit dirty, you know?

      Anyways, thanks so much m4ttruck! I appreciate your kind words.


  21. Haley says:

    Reblogged this on Suitcase on the Sidewalk and commented:
    Congrats to Mike! He writes an awesome blog, and I’m so glad he’s being appreciated :]


    1. mabukach says:

      You are awesome, Haley! Thanks for the reblog, I’ll have to check it out.


  22. mikew66 says:

    Congrats on the 2000 fantastic achievement, I think the 1983 photo will probably get you double that !


    1. mabukach says:

      Hopefully, or it will half the place very quickly. Thanks, Mike!


  23. Not only do I want to sleep with you because of your intelligence and humor, but now I want to use your body because of your fame. Spank bank material!

    In all seriousness, congrats on 2,000. That is no small feat! Not surprised though, you’re probably one of the funniest bloggers I’ve come across.


    1. mabukach says:

      Here I thought it was the stache the ladies want to sleep with….

      Thank you, Jen. We have a mutual comedy crush on each other. Love reading your stuff.


  24. Congrats! 2,000 is a real milestone. Woo-hoo!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks so much, Silver! Woooo wooooot! Beer clink


  25. wanda4848 says:

    Wow Mike, I just read your whole article and it was funny. You’re a good writer here, and good at making people laugh. I joined wordpress over a month ago, so I haven’t had a chance to get to know many bloggers on this site. You should check out my YouTube Message, there’s a quick video of me saying Happy Valentines day in sign language. Yes, I am deaf, but I can talk, you’ll find that out in the video. Check it out also check out my wordpress blogg at and my other well known blog Susana the Deaf Lady at


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, Wanda!
      Good luck to you in the blogging world. I really liked the video and learned a bit of ASL, so thanks for the lesson.
      Will definitely check out your blogs.


      1. wanda4848 says:

        Great! Thank you for checking it out. It’s good to know you learned something from it. I’m not sure if you saw my other video besides that one. I’ll enclose a link anyway. It’s called Pictures of me during my childhood days by Susana the Deaf Lady. It comes with a nice song, The Star of a Story by Heatwave.


      2. mabukach says:

        This was pretty cool. The text kind of whizzes by but overall good stuff.


  26. Ziggy with a Neck says:

    You’ll always be that crazy cousin in the corner to me. For realz.


    1. mabukach says:

      Always, Ziggy. Always.


  27. calahan says:

    I totally want a picture. If it’s from your modeling days, my wife will be definitely appreciate it. Can someone file for divorce in order to marry a photograph? Eh, I guess I’ll find out.


    1. mabukach says:

      Not these pictures, no. It’s illegal to marry such mediocrity. But I will send you a pic, and maybe some stickers.


      1. calahan says:

        I love getting anything in the mail, so please send whatever you’ve got.


      2. mabukach says:

        Me too. Especially real things, usually I just get junk mail, and value-coupons for obscure products.


      3. calahan says:

        Thank you for the envelope of goodies, Mike. We have the autograph hanging on our refrigerator. True. πŸ™‚


      4. mabukach says:

        No problem, Mike. I feel honored to grace your fridge.


  28. Denise Hisey says:

    Howdy! Saw you on Susie’s Wild Ride and thought I”d come over and say hi. Congrats on your accomplishments!! And a big congrats, too, on the house!!


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Denise, thanks for stopping in. I really like what Susie’s got going on over there.

      Thank you, thank you! Though the latter causes me great stress, it should be fun. πŸ™‚


  29. Gooda-TREK says:

    WOW! To me you are brilliant with your zest for life and sizzling blog. First time I read it! I had to laugh because I only have 20 followers 😦 but I am so happy I think I would explode if I had 2000 followers (hehehe)>
    I am new in this blog world and I am only doing one because my husband thought was a good idea for our children and close family and friends wants to follow our travels through Europe in Trek (our american RV) and my husband’s Gooda.
    I want your autograph. When my blog grow up wants to be like yours…fun!


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s really nice of you Gooda, thanks so much.
      Hey, you gotta start somewhere – like I mentioned earlier, I only had 5 followers for like a month, so just keep it up!

      Will definitely check out your site, interested in your travels!


  30. Congratulations on the many good things happening in your life, especially that butt cheek birth mark. Sweet!! Seriously, though, I love this blog. You are a damn funny man. Don’t ever stop writing.


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, been thinking about lasering off my butt mark.

      Thanks, Fish. I really appreciate it coming from you. And I won’t won’t ever stop stop the writin’ (sing this part).


    1. mabukach says:

      I do what I can, kind sir.


  31. cilliandervan says:

    Just discovered your blog! Very entertaining so far although I have a lot to catch up on!


    1. mabukach says:

      Awesome – thanks for checking it out, cilliandervan. Hope you enjoy


  32. Laura says:

    Hey Mike! Now that I’ve received my treasure in the mail (thanks for the hand-written note, BTW, that was truly awesome…) where do I submit pic with your pic? FB or email or….??


    1. mabukach says:

      Haha! Yay!
      My pleasure. Uhhh, Facebook for now? I’m probably going to use it in a post coming up if you do submit one, if that’s cool.


  33. Alice says:

    Need more of that to be your 2001st πŸ˜‰


    1. mabukach says:

      Will try, but you have to promise. πŸ™‚


      1. Alice says:

        Deal. And I’d expect you to be my 22nd.


      2. mabukach says:

        A legitimate offer


  34. Dean Whitehorn artblogs says:

    Hey! U got my cat you Thief! Hilarious blog. We had a cat just like Thief but was named Ivan (RIP) no longer smooching 😦


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey,dean! Sorry to hear about Ivan. Russian blue? Thief’s a good buddy. He thinks he’s a dog, which is pretty bizarre.


  35. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    ‘monetarily right now, nothing – but that’s not the point of this blog’ – that made me laugh. It’s not a point of any blog (I don’t imagine… surely!) but it’d be nice, hey πŸ™‚

    I loved the joy in this – funny, cheerful, positive. Good on you. Mercy me, that WOULD be a kickass concert with 2000 in the audience. Kudos!

    Love your photos too. You sort of look deer-in-the-headlights but deer still has direction πŸ™‚


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, WordFall!

      I do look like a deer in headlights – shocked from the nice followers.

      Thanks for stopping in


  36. kitty says:

    just found you today, like you already!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thank you, Kitty. Glad you found me


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