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Mike Bukach

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Mike’s Next Adventure

Where Would You Go?


I don’t really dream of travel.

Daydream, yes, but when I sleep, the REM vignettes usually involve choreographed knife-fights and lady sasquatches

…could be late night salsa binges, but rarely do I dream of travel.

So, I want to know your dream locale.

Even if you have multiple destinations, or, you’re one of the lucky people to have visited “The Spot”.

Where is it?

Maldives? Venice? New Zealand?

Where would you Roam About?

What would you do?

I want to know. -Mike

147 comments on “Where Would You Go?

  1. martibabcock says:

    domestic: santa fe, seattle, austin, new orleans (again…always), ashville, acadia national park…(actually, all the national parks!) international: iceland, thailand, spain, maldives…oh and prague too.

    this is impossible. the list could go on forever.


    1. mabukach says:

      You are an expensive co-habitant.
      Iceland, Thailand, New Zealand?


    2. Laura says:

      Yay Santa Fe! Taos is nice too….


      1. mabukach says:

        Great, now I’ll never hear the end of Santa Fe from Marti. 🙂


  2. Carina says:

    Denmark, Iceland, South America, Alaska, Egypt, and… Texas!


    1. mabukach says:

      Nice, Carina! All of South America?
      Great list


      1. Carina says:

        I want to go the Southiest! Mostly because it’s hard to go there from where I live (Manila, Philippines), so I might as well! Have you been anywhere in SA? Anywhere you favored?


        1. mabukach says:

          Excellent choice.
          I’ve never been to SA. Would love to visit Patagonia, go camping, hiking, and visit Tierra del Fuego (coincidentally, the top left picture).


  3. inavukic says:

    Croatia, Austria, Italy, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, England, Texas, Idaho


    1. mabukach says:

      I agree with everything on this list, inavukic!
      Had my eye on Dubrovnik/Croatia for a while, then, I saw it’s where they filmed Game of Thrones, and I was completely sold.
      Where in Texas?
      Three comments in a row picked Texas! Did not see that coming.


  4. I’m living my dream right now based in Umbria, Italy and taking in the food, wine, art & culture. It’s heaven.


    1. mabukach says:

      Sounds amazing, mary – four of my most favorite things. How long are you there?


      1. Three months here in Spello, plus a leisurely drive back to the UK. so far it has been unbelievable. Mary


        1. mabukach says:

          I just googled Spello, looks gorgeous.
          Just added to the ‘If I ever go to Italy’ list.


          1. I would highly recommend it. Check out my blog for photos of Spello & other Umbrian places we have visited. Of our many visits to Italy, this is the closest to living the Italian life. Ciao!


            1. mabukach says:

              Great – I will definitely check it out when I get a chance!


  5. Ziggy with a Neck says:

    Barberton, Ohio. “The Magic City”. I like magic. Zig.


    1. mabukach says:

      I heard Barberton is the city with the most people per square mile who like Barry Manilow. True?


  6. Nathaniel Hahn says:

    Wrangel Island…a true Lost World at the top of the planet…where Polar Bears, Walrus, Arctic Fox and Musk Ox roam free of human interaction! An epic location for adventure!


    1. mabukach says:

      Never even heard of it, had to googles it.
      Looks amazing, Nate. Russian adventure with Roam About Coyote?


  7. Honie Briggs says:

    Last year I wrote a series of 10 posts about My Big Fat Italian Anniversary. For 10 incredible nights my husband and I had all of Italy to ourselves. That’s right, we were the only two people in the joint. At least it seemed that way. Rome, Florence, Positano – with day trips through the towns in Chianti and Tuscan hill towns of Siena and San Gimignano.
    We took the train from Florence to Naples, stopping to stroll through the ancient ruins of Pompeii before reaching the paradise that is the Amalfi Coast. We definitely found our “the place” during that amazing trip and agree we’d go back to Italy in a heartbeat.
    The entire trip was perfection.


    1. mabukach says:


      That’s amazing to hear, and I’m glad you and the hubby had such amazing adventures.
      I’m going to dig around your site—find these posts.

      I’ve been avoiding Italy for some time now, only because I know I will love it dearly, and ruin the rest of Europe for me. 🙂
      You didn’t happen to see Cinque Terre did you?


      1. Honie Briggs says:

        Cinque Terre wasn’t on our list. I hear it’s incredible. I can tell you the entire Amalfi Coast is breathtaking. We did a day by land and a day by sea. From Capri to Ravello. Oh the food, the food!!! Here’s a link to one of the posts. they’re all right there together beginning with My Big Fat Italian Anniversary and ending with Exquisite Indulegence. Lots of pics. Enjoy


        1. mabukach says:

          Good to know. I’m seriously keeping a list of places everyone recommends.
          I’m only a quarter of the way through and your pics are fricking awesome.


          1. Honie Briggs says:

            Hey Mike, since you asked about Cinque Terre here’s a link to a post I just came across on another blog I follow.


            1. mabukach says:

              Love it! Hiking, beautiful coast line…my kind of party. Thanks for the link, Honie


  8. susielindau says:

    I am always traveling in my dreams. Every night I am packing, unpacking, going to new hotels. It is crazy! I think it has to do with going to the mountains a lot.
    I would love to go back to France, hang out at Lake Como and visit the land down under and New Zealand!


    1. mabukach says:

      Hmm. What do you eat before bed? I’m convinced I’ll find a food that allows travel dreams.

      Excellent choices. Lake Como? Is that where George Clooney lives?
      New Zealand is #2 for me.


      1. susielindau says:

        Yep. One of his houses is located at Lake Como. Don’t tell Danny! Hahaha!
        Graham crackers and milk. Now tell me what you need to eat to have great flying dreams????


        1. mabukach says:

          I won’t tell.

          Pot brownies!


          1. susielindau says:

            Hahaha! Well that makes sense!


  9. chistanote says:

    I dream of travel, I love travel; This year, I have a plan to visit several places in Venezuela like : Angel Falls, Kavak village ( Indian tribes live there), Chocolate factory and Coca farm in Chua ( an area which is located in Maracy, Aragua, Venezuela, Henry Pitter National Park, AND 3 provinces in Iran, Kermanshah (Bistun antiquarian, Fars : ” Perspolice antiquarian “, Bushehr ( persian Golf) and some museums in Tehran ( Capital of Iran). 🙂


    1. mabukach says:

      A really impressive list, chistanote.
      Have you purchased plane tickets already, or is this the dream list?

      Iran has been in my top 10 for a while…Golestan National Park, possibly up to Azerbaijan to Baku.

      Thanks for writing!


      1. chistanote says:

        Thanks, Really, Golestan national park? I have been there 2008. I wrote a lot but it disappeared suddenly ;), anyway, I am from Iran and i am going to visit there in August, yeah, ticket has been already bought :D, and I live in Venezuela currently, so Maracy is just 3 hours away from Caracas and angel fall about 5 hours So, u see it not just a dream.


        1. mabukach says:

          Yes, Golestan looks amazing. You’ve been? Is it great? I heard there are problems keeping from deforestation, but have wanted to go for some time.

          Nope, dreams come true! I will have to follow your adventures. 🙂


          1. chistanote says:

            :)))))), it is really beautiful, Yeah, I have been, thanks 4 ur attention


            1. mabukach says:

              Thanks for writing!


  10. Wherever the picture on the bottom left was taken is the perfect spot. Is that Bora Bora? Or Fiji? Whichever island that one is. It’s not Rhode Island right? Because I’ve been there a bunch of times and I haven’t seen that place.


    1. Hi Mike,
      Your post has triggered some ideas – i would love to travel the world if i had the time…however, one of the places in my list is, the Amazon..
      Thank you for sharing your post, it is inspiring.


      1. mabukach says:

        Hey Nadinemikhael,

        Amazon would be an amazing trip. Would you take a boat ride down the river?


        1. Hey Mike, yes I will take the river- boat and I would explore all routes and if I am lucky, will meet some of the tribes who know the secrets of the Amazon 🙂 For life is a journey of exploration and growth..and travel is the most educational and important element of my humble opinion..that is 🙂


          1. mabukach says:

            sounds like an amazing journey.
            A profound statement that I attempt to live by every day, every trip.
            Thank you


    2. mabukach says:

      The bottom left IS Newport!
      It’s one of the island resorts in Maldives. A place I would lay my pastiness down forever.


      1. Then Newport it is. Because that looks incredible. I’d need a boatload of SPF Irish.


        1. mabukach says:

          Haha! SPF Irish – you should market this.
          Newport is an awesome spot, but the huts are on the island of Mele in the Maldives. A bit of a hike, but I’m sure their folk fest is awesome too.


      2. I heard they got a sweet folk festival too.


  11. free penny press says:

    I’d travel all down the coasts of Italy and rock on over to the coasts of Spain then take a quick Jaunt to Africa..


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s a hell of a trip, Lynne, and logistically perfect.
      You could just take pictures the whole time, sell them back in the US, and pay for it. 🙂


  12. I am saving for an African Safari for my 40th birthday.


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s really cool, belle.
      Any countries in particular? Kenya? Tanzania?


      1. I have had my eye on Kenya for several years. It seems politically stable and the countryside is suppose to be beautiful. Another place as well is Nepal I had my flight booked in 2001 when I was living in Delhi but there was a Maoist uprising and the closed the borders. It is also on my wish list for the future.


        1. mabukach says:

          Kenya sounds like an awesome spot. Plus, yes, is relatively stable compared to Congo/ Sudan/Somalia.

          How was living in Delhi?
          Sorry to hear about the Nepal closing. Do they refund tickets for uprisings?


          1. Every day in Delhi was an adventure – it was an interesting time. I did get my tickets refunded and went off to the province of Rajhastan instead which was beautiful.


            1. mabukach says:

              I’ve always wanted to go. I had a professor from Goa that always tried to get me to travel there, but, i wasn’t as travel adventurous in my younger days.

              Glad you you got a refund. Did you visit Keoladeo National Park?


              1. It’s funny you ask that I did and it was a very adventurous day from start to finish. I have to dig out my travel journals to relive it.


                1. mabukach says:

                  Would love to read some of your adventures.


                  1. Thank you.I have been fortunate to have many and looking forward to many more in the future.


  13. Jessica says:

    Been to Venice. Long ago. Maldives would be nice, but I’m not a big beach bum. Would rather be out seeing interesting things. Seen big crowded cities in Asia, but would still love to go back. Thinking New Zealand would be awesome—could then hop over and see friends in Australia. I’m also dying to see India.


    1. mabukach says:

      Nice, I told Honie I’m saving Italy for later in my travel years, but I’m afraid Venice will sink (a silly fear, I know).

      New Zealand popped up a lot in the comments, but I think you’re the first to comment about India. I dig your style, Jessica.


      1. Jessica says:

        Nah, Venice won’t sink. It might be a bit smelly, though. (The canals sure were when I was there!) Yeah, I’ve always wanted to see India. Even more so now that I have blogger friends there. 😉

        Where have you been? Seems you’ve traveled a lot in Europe, just not Italy?


        1. mabukach says:

          Stinky, romantic Venice (their new tagline).
          Awesome, your site is great.

          Europe: I’ve kept it tidy: France twice, Germany twice, Switz, Netherlands twice, Finland, and all over the western side of Russia
          Uk: London
          I did all 50 States in my 20s, so now I’m concentrating on Europe.


  14. calahan says:

    Any tropical island scenario, really. I’ve never been to one, so playing pirate on a tropical beach with my wife sounds like so much fun.


    1. mabukach says:

      From what I know about you from our interactions, you’d be the nicest, most creative pirate ever. I’d be honored to have my treasures stolen by you and the wife.

      Tropical island scenario sounds magnificent. I have to ask, what album are you taking with you?


      1. calahan says:

        As long as I get to do some swashbuckling, you can keep your treasure. Most of it.

        I have no clue what album I’d take, though. I get tired of stuff pretty quick, so it’s hard to say. A copy of Tropical Island Sound Effects?


        1. mabukach says:

          What a gentleman.

          Hahaha! I was going to suggest ‘Soothing Sounds for Baby’, but yours is better.


  15. Laura says:

    Small places in Indonesia and Bali… I have friends who have lived there for months at a time and rave about the beauty, art (entire villages of people who’ve specialized in just one traditional art for generations, then the next village is another art form….), friendliness and safety, and affordable lodging & travel. *sigh*. Southeast Asia in general is on my list. But I don’t know when I’ll ever get there. For now, I settle for a new Black Bamboo plant in my backyard and the Thai restaurant down the street….


    1. mabukach says:

      Sounds beautiful, Laura.
      Bali just seems like a myth; like an imaginary place where only friends of friends have gone. *sigh* indeed.
      We should start an adventure club, get everyone to their dream location!


  16. Mike,
    When I go on one of my “stay-cations,” I usually drive to my local Costco store, buy a few bottles of wine from exotic locations, such as a Bordeaux from the South of France, a Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, and an aged Port from the Douro Region in Portugal.
    Upon arriving at my “stay” destination and a few glasses into the bottle, I not only speak the language, but I am also in a relaxed state of body and mind, never having had to experience the headaches of going through airport security.

    Cheers and Bon Voyage.


    1. mabukach says:

      Amazing post I love it, and what a tannin-induced imagination you have.

      I’ve had a Russian night (vodka, pickles, beef tongue, more vodka) with friends, but I don’t remember much of it. Yours sounds so much more chilled-out and lovely.

      Thanks for the comment, I think I’ll go to Napa tonight.


  17. I live at the upper right, so nope. Top left looks inviting. Bottom right too crowded.
    I would LOVE to explore the South Seas. Tahiti, Fuji–that’s where I’d go! Then head on over to New Zealand….


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Cindy,

      I always have fun visiting the upper right. Where in Arizona/Utah do you live?

      Fiji – beach, water, relaxation. Never realized how “close” fiji is to New Zealand. You could practically paddle there…:)


      1. Hi! I live fifteen minutes from Sedona. Loving the canyons and mountains in the region to hike. Someday I will make it to Fiji!


        1. mabukach says:

          Awesome. Sedona is my top domestic destination. Never been for some reason, but can’t wait to visit.

          You might love it and stay forever and become a Fijician? Fijite?


          1. When you have time, consider checking out my posts with pictures of Fay Canyon, Sedona, and San Franciso Peaks (Flagstaff).


            1. mabukach says:

              Wow. Awesome views, and pics, Cindy.
              I wanted to comment on the post, but the comments are shut off?


              1. Thanks, Mabukach, I’m not sure why. It’s an older post, so that might have something to do with it. Just wanted to share, and I’m grateful for your comments.


  18. The Waiting says:

    I would love to go to Transylvania or Hungary.


    1. mabukach says:

      But, I’ve been told by TV that’s where all the vampires live!


      1. The Waiting says:

        Exactly! 😉


  19. denmother says:

    Central America, Africa, France, Thailand to start.


    1. mabukach says:

      Well, that’s a hell of a start.


  20. PinotNinja says:

    While the obvious is to list off a pile of exotic locations where I’ve been (New Zealand! Fiji! Chile!) or itch to get to one day (Zanzibar! the Maldives! Marakesh!), when I close my eyes and think about where I want to escape to, the same place always comes to mind. Every time.

    Glacier National Park in Montana. In my recurring day dream, I relive a day I had about 2 years ago. I spend all day on the trails (Grinnel Glacier and Iceberg Lake) and then, once I finish that up, I retire to a rocking chair on the deck of the Many Glacier Lodge with a cold beer in one hand and a candy bar in the other and watch the moose swim across the lake as the sun sets.

    Drop everything and fly to Montana. It will fix whatever ails you.


    1. mabukach says:

      Wow NZ, Fiji AND Chili? Impressive list!

      Such a good pick, PintoNinja. Didn’t make it that far North in Montana, but Glacier has been at the top of my list for a while, if only to recreate the opening scene from The Shining. 🙂
      Your description is amazing – It may have leap-frogged to #1


      1. PinotNinja says:

        Thanks! When I was younger and into questionable decisions, I left college for a while to live in Australia and was able to do a ton of Southern Hemisphere traveling while I was based there. I made it to Chile/Argentina last December and it was spectacular — hiking in the Andes, surfing in the Pacific, killer wineries in between, and cities packed full of music and joy. You would love that, too.

        And, yes, PTSD from the Shining is the one downside to Glacier. I got really creeped out when I was driving down that road and it took me about 10 minutes to figure out why — damn you Kubrick for invading my psyche!


        1. mabukach says:

          Sweet. That Chile/Argentina trip has been creeping up my list. Hiking and wine, and music – yes, please.

          I watched that movie when I was 14, home alone, during a storm, and have never been the same.

          damn you, kubrick and your use of spatial awareness and pacing!

          In saying that, I would still love to do that drive.


  21. Maggie O'C says:

    I will travel to many remote spots through your blog. I go to my dream place Gearhart, Oregon every year. One trip I would really love? Ireland. Never been there. Tried to get there in college. Didn’t work. I want to go to the British Isles but mostly Ireland and PLAY GOLF!


    1. mabukach says:

      Thanks, Maggie. I promise to take you to some weird places.
      Had to google Gearheart, did not know you were golfer.
      What happened to the trip to Ireland in College?
      Not THAT would be a cool trip. Golfing in Ireland, or Scotland. Scotch, beer, fore!


      1. Maggie O'C says:

        I was raised in a golfing family then stopped for decades, picked it back up last summer and now I can’t stop!
        Gearhart is my beautiful little beach town where I have been vacationing since I was 2 and hope to retire there.
        In college a roomie and I were to go from France to London and on to Dublin for my 21st birthday. Got to Cherbourg and the ferry didn’t leave for 2 weeks, clearly something had been lost in translation so we went to Switzerland instead. Very short version of a really long story that I need to write out in my blog.


        1. mabukach says:

          Awesome. I grew up on a golf course, spent my mid-teens, outrunning Rangers trying to catch me for sneaking on the par 3 by my house.

          Sounds amazing. We should golf next time I make it to Oregon!

          I want to hear this story, please write. Sorry you didn’t make it to Ireland, but Switzerland is not a bad consolation prize.


  22. olafsdottir says:

    I actually think I live in “the spot” – The Faroe Islands, the nature is spectacular and still seams to amaze me even if I’ve lived here my entire life.

    A dream of mine has always been to go to America – North America in particular. And this will finally happen in a week, when me and my husband are going on a 2½ month long vacation. Dream come true!! 😀

    As much as I love travelling it is always good to come home to – So I guess The Faroe Islands will in the end always be my first and last choice 😉


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s amazing, olafsdottir!
      I don’t think i’ve ever met/or heard of anyone going to the Faroe Islands – so, nice to meet you.

      Where are you traveling in NAmerica? 2 1/2 months of vacation?! Whoooo!

      Beautiful. Maybe I’ll check out The Faroe Islands during my Iceland trip.


      1. olafsdottir says:

        Nice to meet you too.

        We are traveling to Seattle first, then Vancouver – lac la hache – Victoria – seattle – minneapolis and grand maris. What’s inbetween that is open for suggestions. Would love to see a bit more close to the places we are going 🙂

        I feel that we are very lucky to be able to take a vacation that long 🙂

        Please do! The Faroe Islands sure are worth it! Unfortunately we won’t be home until mid july, otherwise we are couchsurfing host. Great way to meet people and get to know a contry from a locals perspective 🙂


        1. mabukach says:

          Well, that sounds like an amazing trip. Are you driving or flying to those stops?

          Wow! That’s great! I’ll have to remember that for a possible trip. Very cool – how long have you been a host?


  23. Ireland is calling my name. Oh, there it goes again. Coming…(I dream)


    1. mabukach says:

      Castles, Dublin, breath-taking scenery, and Guinness? Yes please!


  24. Ahhhhh, this is a nice subject to think about. It’s been a long time since I’ve even contemplated an actual vacation, because it seems like such a tease. However, when I think about it, a few places always pop into my head:

    Las Vegas—because it’s Vegas
    Santorini—quite possibly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been, and I want to go back, desperately
    London—because I lived there for a while and I still get homesick for the place
    Paris—because it’s Paris
    Sicily—because I’ve never been and I’m told it’s stunning. Also, I’m half Sicilian


    1. mabukach says:

      Hey Madame Weebles,
      I pictured you as half Italian. Is that weird?

      Santorini looks amazing. Could definitely see retiring there, being comfortably content for the rest of my years.

      May I ask why you left London?


      1. Really? That’s very weird that you pictured me as half Italian. It’s the swearing, isn’t it.

        Yeah, Santorini is amazing. Ouzo, olives, the Aegean sea, and a gorgeous sunset. That’s all you really need. I left London only because I was done with grad school and my student visa was about to expire. Sigh.


        1. mabukach says:

          It IS the swearing (which i fucking love), and, I thought I read you were a native new yorker. Any true new yorker I met while living there was Italian. Swearing, New Yorker, she must be Italian.
          I hit my head a lot as a child, so my brain functions/pattern recognition is a little wonky.

          Well, that sounds perfect.

          How close are you to being Dr. Madame Weebles?


          1. Oh, not so close at all. I dropped out of my PhD program because I just didn’t have the energy for it anymore. I was about 1/3 of the way through and ran out of gas. Eh, whatevs.

            And it’s true, I’m a native. When you’re a native New Yorker, you’re either Italian or you at least sound like one.


            1. mabukach says:

              I don’t blame you. Barely made it through 4 years of college myself, let alone grad program, or PhD.

              I mean, I lived there, and I still think everyone who is native was in ‘Goodfellas’.


  25. Bali because it’s cheeeeep and lovely or England which is expensive, but I have a hunch it is my natural habitat.


    1. mabukach says:

      If only England had tropical beaches and a lowered cost of living…


  26. I want to visit all of the National Parks in the US. Yellowstone is by far my most favorite place to date, but the Badlands and Denali were also places that I’ll never forget.

    I’d also like to travel to Ireland/Scotland, Russia, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, China, Japan, Cambodia, Morocco, Egypt, Greece. I have a lot of places in my head, I guess, but those are the ones that popped up immediately. Oh, and I want to go to Paris, but only because I want to see The Louvre.


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s a good one. I’m a huge National Parks nerd. Even watched the entire Ken Burns series. How many do you have left?

      Awesome list. You can write off your travels with the Republic of J&T ambassador tax-exempt clause.


  27. Alice says:

    Wonderland. Where else.


    1. mabukach says:

      But of course!


  28. Le Clown says:

    I have always wanted to go to Tatooine, for many reasons, mostly for the twin stars, and the Tusken Raiders.

    It’s a it of an adventure trip, but I would love to visit the Borg’s cube, and see how long I could make it before being assimilated.

    Lastly, I’d visit the 8th dimension with Buckaroo Banzai, cause he’s just cool. And the soundtrack is great.
    Le Clown


    1. mabukach says:

      I was going to call you a nerd, but giggled at every reference. And now the BBanzai end credits song is stuck in my head…

      We live parallel lives.


  29. Mike,

    I’d have to say the Galapagos Islands may have been “the spot” for me. Specifically, scuba diving with sea lion pups and marine iguanas was probably the best thing ever. I have to go back.

    Next on my list is Japan, New Zealand, Nepal, Vietnam, and hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.


    1. mabukach says:

      Wine n Pajames,

      You are the first person I’ve ever “met” that has been to the Galapagos. Well, you and the ghost of Chuck Darwin….
      Sounds amazing though – sea lion pups!

      Great list – is the John Muir trail a part of the Pacific Crest?


  30. minz says:

    your entry made me think about my own list of places that I want to travel to..

    Last year I had the joy of studying in Australia, so I’ve visited Alice Springs – Uluru, Sydney – Opera House, Melbourne – Great Ocean Road, Brisbane – Sufer’s Paradise, Canberra – Capital of Australia and Tasmania – Horbart. I would still love to travel back to Australia to swim and see the Great Barrier Reef.

    When I’m stressed, I close my eyes and imagine myself on the beach in Krabi, Thailand.

    Other places I want to visit and hopefully STAY are
    1) Japan – Tokyo / Hokkaido
    2) France – Paris
    3) Germany – Berlin or Munich
    4) England – Britain
    5) America – New York/LA

    Places that I just want to chill at:
    1) Maldives
    2) Sweden
    3) Sicily
    4) Brazil

    Oh man! I realise that I’ve many places that I would love to go!!


    1. mabukach says:

      What an incredible trip, Minz.
      Looks like you did one heck of a chunk of Australia.

      Your Top 9 are looking good. Any definitive plans to visit these places?

      Thanks for the visit!


  31. Great Falls, VA, French Creek, PA, Boothbay Harbor Maine, Wilmington, N.C., Flagstaff, Arizona, Cape May, New Jersey.
    These are my favorite roam about places.


    1. mabukach says:


      I’ve only been to Wilmington – looks like I have some domestic travels to do…



  32. jordypama says:

    I am travelling to Vietnam in 3 weeks! I hope it will be great, I had a lot of dreams about it!


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s awaesome, jordypama!
      Have a great trip – I’d definitely like to see some pics as Vietnam has been top of my list for a long time.


  33. Italy. Everything about it draws me in. The architecture, history, culture, food, wine, lifestyle, art, environment. Pillars, fountains and villas romance me! *sigh* One day soon.


    1. mabukach says:

      That’s a good pick, Jennifer.
      I’ve been avoiding Italy because I think I’ll love it too much, if that makes any sense.


  34. I speak enough Spanish that I would love to live in Baja California or Ensenada.


    1. mabukach says:

      Nice! Where do you live now?


      1. I live in Portland, Oregon with my wife, Dana, and our two cats. 🙂


      2. I live in Portland, Oregon, with my wife Dana and our two cats.


        1. mabukach says:

          Awesome. I love Oregon, and have been meaning to spend more time in Portland.


  35. itsanika says:

    The Middle East is pretty high on my list


    1. mabukach says:

      Yeah? Anywhere in particular?


  36. Chatty Owl says:

    Cuba. That’s my next dream destination!


    1. mabukach says:

      Excellent choice. Do you live in the US, Chatty Owl?


      1. Chatty Owl says:

        Thanks! No, I’m on the other side of the pond – UK 😉


        1. mabukach says:

          I was going to say – probably slightly easier for you to get in to Cuba from the UK. Have to do some finagling to get in from the US, fly to Cancun, or DRep first.


          1. Chatty Owl says:

            Thats true.. But then again, I want to go to so many places, its always a choice made by a flip of a coin for a dozen of times until i finally choose!


            1. mabukach says:

              I hear you. I have a rotating Top 5 that I have a hard time nailing down. Coin flips galore!


  37. Don’t come to New Zealand. It’s cold here. I should know – I’m sitting in it (New Zealand AND the cold) wearing sheepskin boots, socks, tracksuit pants, a merino undershirt, a woollen jersey, a thick fleece sweatshirt, a himalayan wool waistcoat, a viscose scarf, a half-angora hat (not entirely sure what the other half consists of but largely it resembles a hat) and fingerless gloves. And I’m cold! Mind you, it would probably help if I went inside.

    But really, there isn’t much to see here. The hobbits have all had to go back to work now that the movie-making is over, our beaches don’t have palm trees on them – only boring white sand, our forests don’t have interesting fauna in them like bears and snakes and such and apparently someone spilled snow on our mountains recently. Honestly, I wouldn’t bother if I were you. Go to Australia where it’s warm. And they have white sharks and crocodiles to make your swims interesting and poisonous beasties galore to get your adrenaline pumping.

    Our country is dull in comparison. Our national birds can’t even fly, for God’s sake!


    1. mabukach says:

      This was the best (anti) pro Tourism pitch i’ve ever heard. White beaches, half angora hats, dry wit, skiing, no snakes, no hobbits or Hollywood?
      I’m in.

      Plus, I have friends in Auckland.


  38. redbellphoto says:

    Tokyo. And it’s happening this November.


    1. mabukach says:

      Awesome and congrats.
      How long will you be there?


      1. redbellphoto says:

        About 10 days. 5 in Tokyo & 5 exploring other parts outside of the city- various shrines etc.


  39. PuppyDoc says:

    Take me to the Galapagos. 🙂


    1. mabukach says:

      Docs make more money than writers…take me? 🙂


  40. I have had the travel bug since I was 12 years old and it has never gone away, but I don’t want it to go away. Over those 10 years I have done as much travelling as I could with the next planned holiday for Ireland.
    But on the wish list is Greece, Denmark and Canada. Would love to see snow!

    Over this year I will be hopefully going to Turkey, Poland and Rio with sport, but won’t know for sure until the coming months pass.


    1. mabukach says:

      I hear you, Eucalyptus. Never curb that bug! All three choices would be fantastic – anyone in particular you’d like to visit the most?


      1. I have recently had a fascination with Canada. So I think at the moment Canada is winning so far.
        I would love to visit Lake Louise, learn how to snow board and go dog-sledding in the winter wonderland. Such a picturesque and stunning place, almost like it is out of a fairytale 🙂


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